About Us
Our vision and mission
Vision: A safe place for all families impacted by disability to grow using current best practices.
Mission: Seasons 4 Growth strives to be the leading East Valley organization providing comprehensive wrap-around services that meet the unique needs of families impacted by disability and to help all individuals be successful in their contributions to education, work, family, and community.
The founders of Seasons 4 Growth are parents of individuals with disabilities, but they also have substantive areas of expertise in diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, speech and language development, social skills development, executive functioning, assessment, motivation and learning, disability and inclusion, teaching, and learning. These areas of expertise will allow us to build a highly qualified base of providers and professional development for providers that will enable us to provide services that utilize current best practices. Dr. Puruhito also maintains a Certified Diversity Professional credential and as such we are committed to ensuring that our diverse base of members are supported by a diverse base of employees that can thrive in a safe, welcoming, and diverse work environment.
Services for families
Our services are constantly expanding. Currently we offer:
Executive Functioning Coaching
Social Skills Coaching
Advocacy for services at schools
Private pay childcare
In the future we hope to offer:
Speech Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Music Therapy
Comprehensive Developmental and Mental Health Evaluations
Counseling and Psychiatry services
Mental Health Support for caregivers
Services for schools and organizations
Our founders have over 25 years of experience educating, advocating, providing services, and parenting and working with individuals with disabilities. We offer professional development and consultation services on a wide variety of topics. Below are a few highly sought after topics:
Inclusion of individuals with disabilities in educational spaces
Working with families of children with disabilities
Serving diverse populations (and making them feel included!)
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to increase inclusion and accessibility
Using technology to increase accessibility and provide accommodations in the classroom
Supporting executive function skills in the classroom and everyday activities
Trauma informed practices in the classroom
The overlap between trauma informed and special education best practices and how they benefit ALL students
Interested in learning more or do you have a topic in mind not listed here? Send us an email!